Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions2020-04-24T12:00:51+00:00
Who can conduct a gender audit?2020-04-22T20:53:36+00:00

The gender audit aims to encourage political party leaders, men and women alike, party activists, party members, journalists, researchers, civil society organizations and other interested individuals or organizations to assess the gender sensitivity of a political party. The assessment also helps to understand what are the possible avenues for advancing gender equality in the party and how parties can develop and strengthen their own structures and processes to become more representative of the interests of both women and men.

What kind of information about the party is needed to conduct the gender audit?2020-04-22T20:55:26+00:00

To make the assessment useful and obtain results and recommendations at the end, you are encouraged to answer as many questions as possible, using the information that you have. Nevertheless, the option to answer questions with “I do not know” is provided in the assessment. For a list of information you should prepare, please consult the section “Preparing for a gender audit”. Before you begin the assessment, you will be obliged to comply with the ethics and the confidentiality clauses.

In what languages is the gender audit tool available?2020-04-22T20:56:57+00:00

The tool is available in English. A Russian language version is planned for the future.

Do you need an e-mail address to conduct the gender audit?2020-04-22T20:57:35+00:00

In order to ensure confidentiality, please note you will only be asked to indicate the location where the assessed party is registered. Information such as name, e-mail or any other personal information is not required. At the end of the gender audit, you are offered an option to send the results to an e-mail address, but this address will not be saved in the system.

How many times can I conduct a gender audit?2020-04-22T20:58:25+00:00

The number of assessments is not limited, making it possible to periodically assess the same party, or assess several different parties. 

What thematic areas are covered?2020-02-20T16:48:37+00:00

The main elements of the gender audit include the followings sections: Participation; Access and Support; Internal Policies; Promoting Gender Equality; and Partnerships.

How much time does it take to do the assessment?2020-02-20T16:49:14+00:00

To complete the online questionnaire, you are advised to allocate up to 60 minutes.

What if the assessment is done based on incorrect information?2020-04-22T21:00:03+00:00

ODIHR does not bear any responsibility with respect to any use of the assessment based on incomplete or false information, which in turn may result in obtaining results that do not reflect a realistic state of gender equality affairs in the party.

You are strongly encouraged to use complete and correct information about the party. Before beginning the assessment, it is required to sign an ethics clause indicating that the responses to questions are completed to the best knowledge and understanding of available information of the assessment taker. 

How is the gender audit administered?2020-05-28T09:18:17+00:00

The assessment is only available online. It can be taken on any computer/mobile phone/tablet, which is connected to the internet and meets the system requirements for the use of the tool. Should you face any technical problems, please report those to ODIHR at or via the contact form.

Can I stop and continue with the assessment later?2020-03-18T11:20:12+00:00

You will be able to take the entire assessment in several stages if you agree to use cookies. Information obtained directly from the assessment takers is treated as confidential. The only question you will be obliged to answer will be about the location of registration of the assessed party.

Are answers saved in a database and who has access to the submitted data?2020-04-03T07:34:59+00:00

Answers to the questions are not stored in ODIHR’s database. Only the information of the location in which the assessed party is registered is saved in the system. ODIHR reserves the right to publish collated, anonymous data about the number of tests taken and the OSCE participating States from which they were taken over specific time periods.

Try the Gender Audit Tool!